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Dangers of Not Treating TMJ Disorders

August 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 11:05 pm

Human skull and TMJ wooden letters on blue counterIf you suffer from a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, life isn’t always easy. You can experience recurring jaw pain. Your joint can click, pop, or grate when opening and closing your mouth. In some situations, your jaw may even lock into one position. Although symptoms can come and go, they aren’t anything to ignore. It’s best to contact a TMJ specialist. Here are just a few of the risks associated with untreated TMJ disorders.

Chronic Pain

TMJ symptoms can get progressively worse, which can lead to persistent facial pain. It can make it difficult or painful to perform simple tasks, like chewing or yawning. Discomfort from TMJ dysfunction isn’t limited to your face. You can also experience head, neck, and ear pain.

Joint Damage

TMD can be caused by many things, like injuries. If there is damage to the joint and it isn’t treated, it can heal incorrectly, leading to more issues. Your body responds to injuries with inflammation. The area will stay inflamed until the bone or tissues have healed.

Recurring Headaches

Your facial muscles connect to areas around your skull. Inflammation of the facial muscles can trigger headaches and migraines. Headaches can become an ongoing issue if TMJ symptoms aren’t resolved.

Sleep Apnea

TMJ disorders can result from a bad bite. If your upper and lower teeth don’t rest in harmony, it can obstruct your airway. This can lead to several breathing disruptions throughout the night that deplete your body of oxygen. Every pause in breathing affects your sleep quality, which can harm your physical and mental health.

Dental Damage

If your jaw hurts, you may favor one side of your mouth when chewing. This can result in uneven wear and tear on your teeth. You can have an increased risk of enamel loss, breaks, fractures, and sensitivity. 

Asymmetrical Muscle Growth

Favoring one side of your mouth can cause the muscles to be stronger. Asymmetrical muscle growth can cause imbalances that can affect your oral and general health.


Chronic TMJ issues can cause ringing or buzzing in your ears. It can be a sound only you hear or it can be objective, which means a physician can detect it when examining your ear. Tinnitus can be a persistent problem that’s connected to fatigue, stress, anxiety, and many other issues.

You don’t have to risk your health or quality of life. Your dentist has the solutions you need to stop your pain and improve your jaw function. You can benefit from lasting relief using the latest innovations in TMJ therapy.

About Dr. Bernard L. Greenbaum

Dr. Greenbaum earned his dental degree from the Georgetown University School of Dentistry and has regularly pursued continuing education in many specialties, like sleep apnea, snoring, and TMJ disorders. He offers various oral appliances to treat several conditions, like jaw pain or dysfunction. Contact his office online or call (301) 530-3600.